What it is
- A kanban tool to organize your emails in Gmail
- An alternative way to read and manage emails, tailored to my taste and preferences
- A project for me to learn React and Redux concepts
What it isn't
- Properly tested (yet)
- A complete replacement for Gmail
What it does
- Pulls your emails from the gmail api
- Polls the Gmail API every 10 seconds for changes (might try to change this to use the google PubSub and add Socket.io)
- Uses your current gmail labels for the boards (so even if you don't use this app anymore, your email will still be organized in the proper labels)
- Stores the label IDs in the database
- Stores your emails in the redux store (which is stored in browser memory)
What it does not do
- Create app specific gmail labels for you and force you to use them (like DragApp does)
- Store your emails or important information in the server (only your email address, refresh token, and a list of labels you designated as boards will be stored, for reference look in the src/data folder)
- Delete any of your emails permanently (the oauth permission scope does not include that), so if something screws up there will be no irreversible damage done...
- Do something fancy when you click archive, like put it into some app specific label (which I believe is what Sortd and DragApp does...). So when you click archive, it really is archiving, the Gmail way.
Other apps that do almost the same thing: (to be fair, when I thought of making this, there were only two such products that do this: Sortd and Moo.do. I didn't like how the Sortd UI looked and at that time Moo.do Gmail integration was a premium feature.)
Code on GitHub. PRs welcome!
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